Title I School

Hamady Middle/High School

Title I School-Wide Parent Involvement Policy


Vision-Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers.  When the school and parents are involved cooperatively, positive results occur.  These include student achievement, reduced absenteeism, improved behavior and a feeling of partnership between home and school.



Part I:  Parent Involvement


Hamady Middle/High School’s Title I School-wide Parent Involvement Policy was created as a collaborative effort between parents and staff.  Parent feedback and suggestions will continue to be utilized in order to update and improve our school-wide Title I program: 1118 (b) 


Convene an annual meeting: 1116 (c) (1)

Hamady Middle/High School will:

  • Hold an annual school-wide Title I Meeting at the registration night that all parents attend before the first day of school.
  • The purpose of the meeting will be to share the school-wide plan, review the School Parent Involvement Policy, to explain our Title I program, and how parents can be involved in helping their child be successful.
  • Parents will be notified of the meeting through school communication and through the electronic sign located at the entrance of the school.


Offer Flexible meeting times & varied activities designed to support and encourage the involvement of all parents: 1116 (c) (2)

Hamady Middle/High School will ensure the involvement of all parents by offering the following activities:

  • Parent workshops (childcare provided)
  • Parent conferences offered afternoons, evenings, mornings and by phone
  • Parents With A Purpose Activities
  • Flexible IEP and Student Assessment Team Meetings
  • Making Sense of Report Data for Parents
  • Parent Volunteers –Parents With a Purpose 
  • Parent Resource/Conference Room


Involve Parents in planning, reviewing, and improving the School-Wide Title I Program, including the School and District Parent Involvement Policy: 1116 (c) (3)

  • Reviewing the School Parent Policy at Registration Night
  • Posting the Parent Involvement Policy for Parents to review in Parent Room and during Fall/Spring Parent-Teacher conferences in a visible location.
  • Placing a suggestion box located under the visible plan for parents to make suggestions during Fall & Spring Parent-Teacher conferences. Share Suggestions with the LEA at the next scheduled staff meeting. Act on suggestions made by stakeholders as appropriate, and publish in Parents With a Purpose school newsletter.
  • Reviewing and distributing Parent Compacts at the fall conferences.
  • Conducting a parent survey at Fall & Spring Parent-Teacher conferences.
  • Review and revise Parent Involvement Policy to incorporate suggestions based on parent survey results.
  • Holding a Title 1 meeting mid-year at flexible times (morning and evening) to review the Title 1 program, parent involvement policy and ask for suggestions for improvement. Provide parents with a short survey so they may provide feedback on the program both in a written and verbal format.  These suggestions will be used to revise the parent school compact and parent involvement policy.
  • Expanding all avenues of communication with parents (school newsletter, classroom newsletters, District publications and website) to increase parent involvement in the School-Title 1 program.


Provide timely information about the School-Wide Title 1 Program, the academic curriculum, assessments used to measure progress, and grade level expectations: 1116 (c) (4) (A) (B)

Hamady Middle/High School will provide timely information through:

  • Open House/Registration Day 
  • Parent conferences (November/April/additional conferences upon parent request)
  • Student Assistance Team meetings
  • Progress Reports and Report Cards
  • District Website – Policy and Compact available on website
  • Telephone Calls/E-mail correspondence
  • Parent-Student Handbook


    Provide parents the opportunity to interact with teachers regarding the education of their children. Include parents in the decision making process and utilize their suggestions for improvement.  Revise the School-Wide plan to meet student and parent need and share revisions with LEA: 1116 (c) (4) (C) & 1116 (c) (5)

    Hamady Middle/High School will provide parents an opportunity to interact with their children’s school by:

  • Parent Suggestion Box located in a visible location where parents can provide suggestions for improvement and comments regarding the School-Wide Title 1 program
  • Include School-Wide Title 1 as a monthly agenda item at parent meetings.  Go through Parent Suggestion Box and share at staff meetings to discuss both suggestions/positive notes.  Utilize parent feedback to revise and update our School-Wide Title 1 program to meet the needs of all parents and students.  Share suggestions and comments with the LEA and act on suggestions as appropriate. 
  • Conduct a Parent Survey at Open House/Registration night for all parents
  • Hold a Title 1 meeting mid-year at flexible times (morning and evening) to review the Title 1 program, parent involvement policy and ask for suggestions for improvement. Provide parents with a short survey so they may provide feedback on the program both in a written and verbal format.  These suggestions will be used to revise the parent involvement policy when appropriate.
  • Parent conferences (November/April/additional conferences upon parent request)
  • Telephone Calls/E-mail correspondence between parents, teachers and school




    Part II: Share Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement


    Develop jointly with parents and teachers a School/Parent/Student Compact. The compact will outline ways in which the parents, school staff, and students will work together to ensure high student academic achievement.  The compact will be reviewed and discussed during fall parent-teacher conferences: 1116 (d) (1) & 1116 (d) (2) (A) 

    Hamady Middle/High School will develop a School/Parent/Student compact:

  • The Parent/Teacher/Student compact is developed by the PTO and reviewed annually.  Revisions are made based on the Open House Parent Survey results and additional suggestions provided by parents.
  • The compact is reviewed and given to all parents at the November Parent-Teacher Conference.  Teachers discuss how the compact relates to the success of each individual child.  This ensures a strong home/school connection and allows all stakeholders to have a voice.


    Provide frequent reports to parents on their children’s progress: 1116 (d) (2) (B)

    Hamady Middle/High School will provide various academic reports to parents:

  • Report Cards (November, January, April and June)
  • Progress reports available on an as-needed basis
  • Parent Teacher Conferences (November, April, additional conferences available upon request)


    Afford parents reasonable access to staff.  Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer participate and observe in their child’s classroom: 1116 (d) (2) (C)

    Hamady Middle/High School has an open door policy for parents with both administration and staff.  In addition, parents are encouraged to participate in the following activities:

  • Parents With a Purpose (Parent Teacher Organization)
  • Classroom Volunteers
  • Open House
  • MEAP & MME parent night
  • Reading Month Parent Involvement Activities


    Part III: Building Capacity for Involvement 


    Provide information and assistance to parents regarding the state and local academic standards and assessments: 1116 (e) (1)

    To ensure that parents are informed about academic standards and assessments, Hamady Middle/High School will provide the following:

  • Parent Conferences (November, April, additional conferences available upon request)
  • Parent copy of Middle/High School Content Expectations/Common Core Curriculum provided at Open House
  • Local assessment information (Lexile Level, district quarterly assessments) shared with parents at conferences
  • Students receiving additional assistance will be progress monitored on a monthly or bi-weekly basis depending on student need.  Information will be shared with parents when appropriate.
  • Title I staff is available at conferences to provide information and answer questions about assessments


    Provide materials and training to parents: 1116 (e) (2)

    Hamady Middle/High School offers training and materials to parents through the following events and activities:

  • Open House/ Registration Night – Parents will be given A Parent’s Guide to ELA and Math Grade Level Expectations Brochure.
  • Provide lists of community resources to individual parents and assistance in accessing these resources, as needed
  • District Website Parent Resources Tab – provides parents with materials and resources to help their child achieve success



    Educate teachers, Title 1 staff and principals regarding the value of parent involvement, ways to communicate effectively with parents, and implementation of parent programs: 1116 (e) (3)

  • Hamady Middle/High School values and respects parent involvement in the school community. Parent involvement will be part of the professional development plan.  Staff will attend workshops and implement new ideas for effective parent communication. When situations occur that involve students or the welfare of the entire school community, parents are always the first point of contact.  Hamady Middle/High will in-service teachers on how to utilize district website to post classroom newsletters and add materials and resources to the Parent Resources Tab.



    Coordinate parent involvement activities with other programs: 1116 (e) (4)

    Hamady Middle/High School will work to coordinate programs to ensure success for all:

  • Parents With A Purpose Organization


    Inform parents of school and parent programs in a timely and practical format in a language they can understand: 1116 (e) (5)

    To ensure that all parents are informed in a timely and user-friendly manner, Hamady Middle/High will provide:

  • School Newsletter/Classroom Newsletters/District Newsletters written in a language parents can understand


    Provide support for parental involvement at their request: 1116 (e) (14)

    Hamady Middle/High School will make every effort to support our parents and make sure their needs are met:

  • Make every effort to accommodate parent requests to ensure that students and parents individual needs are met in order to foster more positive parent involvement


    Part IV: Accessibility


    Parent involvement activities accessible to all parents, including those with disabilities and parents who use English as their 2nd language: 1116 (f)

    Hamady Middle/High School will provide (As need – in conjunction with the GISD):

  • Flexible meeting times
  • Handicapped Accessible Facilities
  • Phone Conferences (Bilingual interpreter, as needed, through GISD for all parent contacts)
  • Accommodations for deaf parents
  • Collaboration with community agencies; i.e., Community Mental Health
  • Transportation Assistance
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